Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Back in EEUU

Wow, it's weird to be back! I'm already missing the medialunas (little really good croissants) and the city of Buenos Aires in general.

Interesting Differences:
  • Time-they don't really do the whole "get it done now" thing. It is all flexible.
  • Here, it's food advertising, there it's lingerie
  • Sauce on foods here, salt or mayo only there
  • Prices on electronics: it's sooo expensive for bad quality there!
  • Not getting catcalled all the time here in the States (it's a great change)
  • I was a "Yankee" there, now I'm back to being American
Things I loved about BA
  • How awkward greetings are impossible cuz you kiss EVERYONE hello and goodbye
  • Cafes everywhere
  • The friendly people
  • Reggaeton music and boliches and being out until 8 am
But it's good to be home!

1 comment:

Estefania said...

It seems that customs are pretty similar in Hispanic countries. I lived in Colombia for ten years, and I can understand the casual routine of cheek kissing and the flexible management of time.